Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week#2 ABCD learning Objectives and Effective Web Searches

Life has literally ceased in my country due to the war; prices have skyrocketed and lack of gasoline has affected every single aspect of life.   The entire country has been in a total blackout for this whole week except for some private electric generators here and there.   It was a serious challenge to keep my laptop charged and stay connected to the Internet to do the assignments and meet the deadlines.

However, in spite of all daily trials this week has posed, I feel proud of what I have achieved.   I started working on all assignments right after I received them; therefore, I had time to relax and run some errands and meet some family commitments.  

This past week, we have been introduced to writing lesson objectives using ABCD framework.   Although I was not familiar with this particular style, it was easy to learn after looking at the ample examples in the assigned reading.  
I believe that Bloom's revised Taxonomy with its classification of learning outcomes and the list of behavioral verbs is a treasure by itself.   If teachers desire to improve the students learning outcomes, it all starts with setting "SMART" objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevent and Time bound.   

According to Bloom's Taxonomy, there are 6 levels of cognitive skills, the lowest of which is remembering; nevertheless, I think educational systems and programs in most Third World countries give this particular cognitive level their primary attention, while totally ignoring the other "five increasingly more difficult levels of mental abilities: understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating”.  I think this explains why these countries always regress rather than progress as their main focus is on rote learning.   I strongly believe that unless educators set clear lesson targets or objectives, teaching will be like shooting in the air and teachers will be wasting valuable time and resources achieving very little if any at all.  

I was also introduced to Noodletools which opened my eyes to an invaluable portal.   Although I have always been a big fan of Google, Noodletools offers variety of specialized search engines that help find academic articles and resources on the Internet with a click of a button.   I have explored various tools listed on the site and found them very handy.   I consider Noodletools essential keys to the world of knowledge and empowerment.  

As for my final project of implementing technology in the classroom, I still do not have a clear idea about what I am going to do.   However, as I am not teaching right now, I was instructed to work on a project plan instead.   I have to start working on it very soon if not now!  

Finally, having seen my grades for the past week, I feel thrilled that my hard work has paid off.   I am so ready to start the third week with much renewed vigor and enthusiasm!  Looking forward to reading your comments.   Have a good blogging weekend!



  1. Assalamu alaykum Ahmed,
    Yes, the week was not so easy for you. I am glad that you could handle all your tasks in time. I noticed you are a good writer, you can describe in detail and accurately so that your readers understand it well and get impressed. This is one of the skills which we, teachers need to have.
    Thank you for such an interesting blog.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Waalikum Alsalam Nigora,
    Thank you so much for your nice comment! You have made my day! I am so honored that you follow my posts and like what I write. I checked out your blog last week and wrote a comment but it did not get posted for some technical reasons. Look forward to seeing your blog and posts too. Thanks again and enjoy the coming week!
